Injecting impulse current at the terminal of power cable into the hybrid transmission line to be detected and conducting multi-resolution analysis of injected sampling signal by wavelet analysis, the position of modular maximum point of sampling signal is obtained. 向待测混合线路的电缆端注入脉冲电流,利用小波分析对注入的采样信号进行多分辨分析,得到模极大值点的位置。
Further more, the transmission line/ Green function hybrid model obtain equivalence magnetic current source by transmission line model, which can be used to calculate the field and shielding effectiveness of any point inside the cavity by the dyadic Green function. 特别的,传输线/格林函数混合模型利用传输线模型得到孔缝上的等效源,再结合格林函数计算腔体内的电磁场,因而能计算腔体内任意点场强和屏蔽效能。
The periodic current subtransient attenuation of generator is taken into consideration, when calculating the short-circuit of generators, and the decay time constant is corrected in view of the line impedance when the short-circuit point is away from the bus-bar. 2. 在计算发电机短路电流时,考虑周期分量的超瞬态衰减,考虑短路发生在远离汇流排位置时线路阻抗对短路电流的影响,并对周期分量衰减时间常数进行修正。